Hark! Tis the season for choirs of petulant children to squabble and argue and beg you to show that you love them by granting all their wishes. But enough about the general election.
“Buy me a bike?”, “Can I have a new computer?”, “Will you take me to Lapland to visit Santa Claus?”. It’s already a demanding time of year even without the added question of “Can we count on your vote?”

With the plight of parents in mind, Attic Self Storage are on hand with the mince pies, mulled wine and friendly festive PG-rated advice.
The Christmas List
If they’ve avoided the naughty version, here’s an A to Z of children’s present suggestions, lovingly compiled with the help of the world wide web and our own twisted ideas from around the office:
Avocado Smash (it’s like a modern yummy mummy version of ‘snap’).
Bag, Boomerang, Baby Shark Tablet.
Chalkboard T-shirt – colour, design then wash off and start again.
Doll that talks, cries, wets itself, takes over your youngster’s life and never says thank you. Drum Kit (great for annoying the neighbours) or Drone (great for filming the neighbours).
Electric guitar, Elephant earrings.
Football – boots, ball, or strip.
Gravity defying orb (look it up).
Hatching Toothless Interactive Baby Dragon, Harry Potter Wand Coding Kit, Hoodie.
Knitting Kit for Kids.
Lego, Leggings, Luminous slime.
Monster make-up.
Nerf Dart Blaster.
Orange onesie.
Play Doh, Peppa Pig Action Figures, Pomsies (a furry toy that changes colour and plays music).
Quiz book or Quilt cover.
Roller-skates, Robot, Remote Controlled Rat.
Spin n Spiral Art Station.
Toy Story 4 figurine – a fork that talks.
Underwear (boring but a great stocking filler).
Video games.
Xylophone or X-ray specs.
YouTuber merch.
Zombie Apocalypse Survival Kit.
This list is mainly for under 12s. If you’ve got teenagers, OMG, poor you! It might be best to bribe them with cold hard cash or vouchers they can trade in for music, clothes or gig tickets if you want to avoid a monumentally moody Christmas morning. (Or buy them the drum kit and their very own sound-proofed unit at Attic Self Storage).
A Game Of Hide And Seek
Children large and small are like sniffer dogs when it comes to discovering what gifts you’ve got them before the big day comes. You could try stashing their presents under a bed, in the loft, on top of the wardrobe or locked inside a suitcase covered with an old blanket under the stairs. But chances are they’ll know all your ‘secret’ hiding places and have them staked-out already.

If you want to preserve the surprise, either don’t buy them any presents at all (harsh) or rent a handy hiding place at your nearest Attic Self Storage facility (very reasonable). We can provide you with a little locker, a bit of cupboard space or a huge hanger that’s big enough to secrete a 1:1 scale model of the Millennium Falcon.
Dreaming Of A Black Friday?
Obviously there are a whole bunch of money-off promotions and special offers being advertised at this time of year which could help you buy presents for less, but be careful that you really are getting a bargain.
A spokeswoman for Which? Magazine recently stated: “We have repeatedly shown that ‘deals’ touted by retailers on Black Friday are not as good as they seem… Our investigation indicates that this popular shopping event is all hype and there are few genuine discounts.” So do shop carefully and don’t get pressurised into parting with your cash. By big businesses or your little ones.
It’s The Thought That Counts
Christmas is a busy time of year here at Attic even before we put up a tree, string out some decorations and unwrap all those classic ‘Elf Storage’ jokes. We’ve got plenty of staff on hand to help parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles and people of all ages get the most out of (and in to) our storage spaces this December.
They’re ready to deal with simple things like hiding presents or complicated stuff like storing the entire contents of a four bedroomed house while you run away to Nepal until someone sorts the country out.
We’ve won lots of awards for our customer service. People seem to like the fact that we provide straight, honest answers to their questions.*
*’Petulant children’ take note.