Which local charities should our Barking store support?
Vote below for the local cause you’d like us to support, and for each vote received, we’ll donate £5 to that cause.
Showing all posts from the Community category
Vote below for the local cause you’d like us to support, and for each vote received, we’ll donate £5 to that cause.
Update: The voting is now closed!
We’re new to the Sunbury area and we’d like your help to know which charities or good causes in the local area we should support.
Spread the warmth this winter. If you have more winter clothes than space for them, how about spreading the warmth […]
The voting has now closed. Thank you! We believe in supporting our local communities and are currently looking for good […]
We’re new to the Beckton area and we’d like your help to know which charities or good causes in the local area we should support.
If you’re new to London, chances are you’ll be having to adjust to a few things. There’s the tube; hot, […]
No, this isn’t a get together for computer geeks with a penchant for Macs over PCs. This is a festival […]
Community Local Stories General
Artbox London, a local charity, held an extremely successful open exhibition last week. The hosts, local business Attic Self Storage, […]