Every winter, we find ourselves, understandably, stocking up on thick and bulky coats and shoes but the question is where to keep them once spring rolls along. For the sake of your sanity, it might be worth looking into our seasonal wardrobe storage units.
In the UK, our winters are freezing, and our summers are scorching – and we are more than happy to talk about it too. This necessitates having a massive and diverse wardrobe but, with storage space in new homes continuing to decrease, having sufficient space for all our clothing is becoming increasingly difficult.
Bulky winter wardrobe
The summer wardrobe is not so much of a challenge to store out of season as clothing is normally quite light and folds away quite well. The bigger problem is those big, bulky winter jumpers – no matter how you fold them you can still only fit a few in a drawer leaving precious little space for your summer attire.
Shoe space
Let’s not forget footwear in all this. Winter boots can take up so much space, particularly if you store them correctly, keeping them straight and padding them out to keep their shape. Before you know it, you have a floor to ceiling pile of shoe boxes in the corner of the hall just gathering dust and waiting for winter.
Storing winter sports equipment
If you’re a fan of winter sports too then you can be fairly certain that after the annual holiday, you’ll not be needing any of the kit again for another 12 months. These things really are bulky and generally can’t be squeezed into a spare drawer or corner of a cupboard. You know that you won’t need access to them either for a long time so there’s really no reason why you need to keep them at home.
If you find you do have an excessive amount of winter clothes, storage units can make managing your wardrobe space a doddle. At Attic Self Storage, our seasonal wardrobe storage units come in an array of sizes from 10 square feet upwards so, no matter how extensive your shoe collection is, we’ll have the perfect storage unit for the clothes that are currently taking up all the space in your home.
Find your nearest Attic Self Storage unit today and see how self storage can help create wardrobe space for you.